1st AIAA Ice Prediction Workshop: AIT numerical simulation results

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


This article presents the numerical analysis performed at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH for the 1st AIAA Ice Prediction Workshop (IPW). The IPW organizing committee provided a set of test cases with experimental data in three categories: (i) ice accretion on 2D geometry, (ii) ice accretion on 3D geometry and (iii) droplet impingement on 3D/2D geometries. In this work the results obtained using 2D and 3D icing simulation workflows adopted by AIT, spanning the three categories, are presented and analyzed. The ice accretion on 2D geometry is well predicted, even if more research is needed to improve the accuracy in “glaze ice” conditions. The ice accretion on 3D geometry is calculated using constant and variable ice density models. The variable density model was found to compare more favorably with experiment than the constant density model, although the ice thickness was overpredicted under rime conditions and the shape still showing differences under glaze conditions. Concerning droplet impingement on 3D geometry, the water catching limits were found to be well predicted when the particle size distribution was included in the model. The collection efficiency peaks were observed to be overestimated at certain spatial locations.
Zeitraum27 Juni 20221 Juli 2022
EreignistitelAIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum (https://www.aiaa.org/aviation)

Research Field

  • Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies


  • in-flight icing
  • ice accretion
  • Numerical simulation
  • ice shape