An identifiable model for dynamic simulation of the human cardiovascular system

  • Wassertheurer, S. (Autor)
  • Johann Krocza (Autor)
  • Wibmer Michael (Autor)
  • Johannes Kropf (Autor)

    Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


    These days about 50% of deaths in western industrial countries can be ascribed to diseases of the cardiovascular system like atherosclerosis etc. Because of this fact a lot of research is done on this field, but a lot of physiological coherence is still not fully understood. this work describes an identifiable dynamic mathematical model of the cardiovascular system (CVS) and its implementation which can provide a better understanding of the operation of the CVS.
    Zeitraum6 Sept. 200410 Sept. 2004
    EreignistitelEUROSIM-Kongress 2004

    Research Field

    • Nicht definiert


    • dynamic
    • simulation
    • arterial tree