Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / Vorlesung › Präsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop
In the Personal Dosimetry Service Seibersdorf about 25000 dosemeters (TLD-100, Bicron) are monthly analysed. An algorithm to identify abnormal glow curves in the routine dosimetry, also applicable for small doses (>70 µSv), was developed. The algorithm was now introduced into the routine service and all the glow curves are analysed.
The aim of this work is to get more information about the occurrrence of abnormal glow curves in the routine evaluation. Although the existence and the corresponding reasons of such curves are extensively reported in the literature for rather laboratory conditions, no detail studies of these effects under the work conditions of a routine Service are available. In many cases the effects of the irregularity do not affect significantly the corresponding dose values, however for the Quality Control of the Service is important to know their origin and to find ways to improve the measurements's reliability by introducing appropriates corrective and preventive measures. To find out the reasons of the irregularity dosemeters were treated in different ways (i.e. contaminated with conventinal substances, exposed to non-ionising radiation) and under different environmental conditions. In addition the influence of the stability of certain parameters of the reader system in the glow curve (i.e. gas pressure of heating gas, real temperature in the crystal, position of the TL detector during the read-out)were studied too.
This work shows that the use of a simple glow curve analysis in the routine is useful to recognise abnormal curves, to reduce false reading and therefore to improve the reliability in a Dosimetry Service.
9 Juli 2001 → 13 Juli 2001
13th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry