Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Autonomous vehicles will not only enter the fleet of private vehicles but will also enable new mobility options in urban areas that can complement public transport. These autonomous urban shuttle services (AUSS) are the subject of two case studies in Vienna. By means of a mesoscopic agent-based traffic model (MATSim), the use of such shuttles is investigated in the inner-city area of the city on the one hand and in the outer districts on the other hand. In the case study on the use of shuttles in the outskirts, the use is restricted to areas around public transit hubs to ensure that the vehicles function as first-mile/last-mile shuttles. In the two case studies, different scenarios with different fleet sizes and different levels of automation of the private vehicle fleet, i.e., different market penetration rates of autonomous vehicles, are simulated. The analysis focuses on traffic impacts such as modal splits and modal shifts, as well as travel times and trip distances. In a further modelling step, the socio-economic data and trip purposes associated with the agents are used as an approach to explain the usage of the AUSS. This involves analysing which factors have a significant influence on agents incorporating AUSS into their daily mobility routine. The results show, among other findings, that travel times in the case study of inner-city AUSS to decrease, while the operation of AUSS in the outer districts leads to a small increase in travel times. In terms of modal split, it can be observed that most cannibalization to AUSS comes from car and public transit. In the case study of AUSS in the outskirts, more cannibalisation comes from the car than in the inner-city case study. Pedestrian and bicycle trips increase with the introduction of AUSS, especially with a greater market penetration rate of private autonomous vehicles. When analysing the socio-demographic characteristics of AUSS users and trip purposes, the factors "availability of a car", "driving license", "public transport season ticket" and "availability of a bicycle" are significant variables that reduce the probability of using shuttle buses. In particular, the availability of a car reduces the probability of using AUSS. In the suburban areas, the new mode is used more often than average for shopping trips. For work trips, the service is used rather less frequently, except for the suburbs. An interesting observation is the high acceptance of last mile AUSS in the 6- to 15-year-old age group. This suggests that the service has a high potential to replace parents' pick-up and drop-off services by car.
Zeitraum7 Sept. 20229 Sept. 2022
EreignistitelEuropean Transport Conference 2022

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Integrated Digital Urban Planning