Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (CBRN RSS) - project presentation

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungEingeladener Vortrag bei einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz oder Institution


CBRN RSS focuses on developing a CBRN reconnaissance and surveillance system, based on unmanned ground and aerial vehicles for CBR detection, monitoring and sampling, to be used by a CBRN surveillance team. CBRN RSS is closely related to CBRN SaaS adding functionality to CBRN SaaS based on the same architecture.
Zeitraum6 Okt. 2023
EreignistitelII Symposium on Countering CBRNE Threats
OrtRumia, PolenAuf Karte anzeigen

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - New Sensor Technologies


  • CBRN
  • CBRNe
  • UAV
  • UGV
  • Reconnaissance and Surveillance System
  • uncrewed vehicle