Deep Learning for Electrical Biosignals

  • Franz Fürbass (Vortragender, eingeladen)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Electrical biosignals are commonly used in diagnosis of cardiovascular and neurological diseases like atrial fibrillation or epilepsy. Strict regulatory rules slowed down innovation for a long time but now a large number of startups and industry players like Phillips and Apple enter the market. The talk will focus on deep learning-based methods to analyze Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Electroencephalogram (EEG) and aspects on how such algorithms find their way into FDA/CE cleared devices and software will be discussed.
Zeitraum22 Jan. 2020
EreignistitelMachine Learning MeetUps Bratislava (MLMU BA) - Deep Learning for Electrical Biosignals

Research Field

  • Exploration of Digital Health