Entwicklung eines Telemedizinmodells (TXMobile App) zur Unterstützung der Nachsorge von Patienten nach Lebertransplantation

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


BACKGROUND: The success of a liver transplantation depends to a large extent on good postoperative follow-up care over many years. Aims of the after-care program comprise monitoring of the transplanted organ, screening of side-effects from immunosuppressive therapy and life-style optimization. Patients are not only expected to be adherent to medication and follow-up examinations, but also to observe body functions and improve lifestyle. To support patients in their everyday lives after liver transplantation, we developed the transplant app TXMobile.

METHODS: Results and experiences from a previously conducted study were used as basis for the development of the new app. With participative methods like focus group meetings, questionnaires, and targeted interviews we conducted three different FHIR care plans for different stages after transplantation. Items of the different care plans represent the look of the TXMobile data management system (DMS) for professional users and the look of the patient’s app flexibly, while providing the usability to manage the extent of after-care patients in the outpatient department.

RESULTS: The transplant app TXMobile comprises an individualized curated list of, a reminder for medication intake, calendar function for standard visits and reminders for follow-up examinations in the outpatient department as well as in the routine healthcare system. Furthermore, it offers a telemonitoring options for e.g. blood pressure and an ePRO function. All information attains the DMS in a structured way based on internationals standards (e.g. SNOMED) and can be registered in the national electronic health record ELGA.

CONCLUSIONS: With the support of the app „TXMobile“ patients after transplantation have a structured after-care program which helps to improve adherence, support self-management, optimize lifestyle and eases the transition from the clinic to standard care. The next goals of our project are a pilot study with 60 patients after liver transplantation, further adaptations of the app and ultimately implementation into routine care.

Acknowledgement: The project was funded by the Gesundheitsfonds Steiermark (SFG) and started in November 2023. The development of the app was performed from 01/2024 until 09/2024.
Zeitraum18 Okt. 2024
EreignistitelAustrotransplant 2024: 'Spannung Organtransplantation - Möglichkeiten und Realität'
OrtSalzburg, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen

Research Field

  • Exploration of Digital Health


  • Digital Health
  • Integrated Care