Evaluation of Navigation Systems related to Road Safety

  • Aleksa, M. (Autor)
  • Claus Aichinger (Autor)
  • E Aigner-Breuss (Vortragender)
  • S Kaiser (Autor)
  • A Müller (Autor)
  • K Russwurm (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Navigation systems play an essential role in today´s traffic system. The increasing availability of navigation-related data changes driving behaviour and reduces routing time. Yet this development also bears risks for users, in terms of distraction or inattention. Empirical findings regarding the distracting effects of navigation systems are heterogenous. The research project ORTUNG aimed at shedding light on these divergent findings by observing drivers under real traffic conditions. In particular, the visual distraction of the use of navigation systems in comparison to traditional map-based navigation was examined by means of eye-tracking and the monitoring of driving dynamics. Differences in routing were also explored. Data analysis indicates increasing road safety when a navigation system is used in unfamiliar areas. Fewer gazes exceeding 2 seconds were found for users of the navigation system whereas map navigation leads to higher eyes-off-the-road time.
Zeitraum5 Juni 20146 Juni 2014
EreignistitelEuropean Conference on Human Centered Design for ITS

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Mobility Systems