Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / Vorlesung › Präsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop
For space-saving storage of thermal energy, so-called latent heat storage systems with phase change materials (PCMs) are ideal, as they can store larger amounts of heat within a small temperature range than sensible heat storage systems. Certain paraffins have a jump temperature in the domestic hot water temperature range, which is around 40-70°C. As part of the development of a sustainable and energy efficient heating, cooling and hot water system, a paraffin-filled heat exchanger integrated into the refrigerant circuit of a laboratory heat pump is investigated in this thesis. This heat exchanger is called RPW-HEX (R = Refrigerant, P = PCM, W = Water, HEX = Heat Exchanger) for short. The paraffin in the heat exchanger can be melted by hot water or by superheated or condensing refrigerant and thus the storage tank is charged. The heat can then be released to the water circuit at a later time, with the PCM gradually solidifying. After completion of the test rig, a thorough understanding of the operation of the heat pump with integrated RPW-HEX was obtained by means of several measurements. For this purpose, individual sections and components were examined in detail, and possible improvements were developed. The first measurement results on thermal losses, mass flow settings and the melting and solidification process in the RPW-HEX are presented.
26 Sept. 2022 → 30 Sept. 2022
71st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society ÖPG
Research Field
Ehemaliges Research Field - Digitalisation and HVAC Technologies in Buildings