23 Oct 202409:30 - 13:00
EU Projects Zone Hub - Theatre 3 (Hall 6) EU Projects
9:30-10:00 Welcome Reception (breakfast upon invitation of HYPERRIDE)
10:00-10:15 Opening and Introduction of HYPERRIDE project (Gerhard JAMBRICH, co-ordinator, AIT)
Session “Presentation of Demo Sites and Developed Technologies”
10:15-10:30 Introduction of Swiss Pilot, EPFL
10:30-10:45 Introduction of German Pilot, RWTH AACHEN
10:45-11:00 Introduction of Italian Pilot, ASM TERNI SPA
11:00-11:40 Key Technologies & Use-Cases CBA, SCiBreak AB, EATON, ENGINEERING, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
(ICT Platform, Cybersecurity, protection simulation/concept, MVDC CB development/ validation, Use-cases, CBA, outlook, DC charging station, information on 2nd demo workshop at ASM Terni, Italy)
11:40-12:00 Feedback Round (Questions & Answers / feedback inquiry from the audience)
Session “Panel Discussion: Lessons Learnt from Design and Operation of Hybrid AC-DC Grids”
What are the main technical, economic, and regulatory obstacles to implementation?
12:00-12:30 Panel Discussion (Panelists: Massimo Cresta, Katharina Hetzenecker, Bence Hátsági, Jules Macé, Stefan Costea, Alessandro Rossi, Carlo Corinaldesi. Moderation: Gerhard Jambrich).
(Session on lessons learnt from presenters, key exploitable results, BRIDGE WG-work participation and TIGON cooperation, then Q&A)
12:30-12:40 Wrap-up by Gerhard JAMBRICH, co-ordinator - END
Zeitraum | 23 Okt. 2024 |
Ereignistitel | Enlit Europe Summit 2024 |
Veranstaltungstyp | Ausstellungen |
Ort | Milan, ItalienAuf Karte anzeigen |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |
Research Field
- Power System Planning and Operation