Gender Integration in Water Resources Management

  • Monika Schönerklee (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Integrated water resources management is a cross-sectoral policy approach covering different uses and its related requirements in a social, environmental and economic context. Within this multiple use of water resources a variety of stakeholders are concerned, where women form a highly important group being in many countries mostly responsible for domestic water supply and sanitation. The complexity in demands and water functions causes a high conflict potential between different user and gender requirements. Therefore an integrated and gender-sensitive approach for water management policies, programmes and projects is mandatory. Gender mainstreaming strategies aim at involving both women and men in integrated water resources initiatives in order to achieve gender equity in participation and benefits. This approach even proved to increase project effectiveness and support environmental sustainability. A few case studies and experiences from projects India and Ethiopia will be presented to highlight the active and successful participation of women in water initiatives. The implementation of gender mainstreaming policy can only be realised through concrete strategies. Key elements are training and capacity building, improving the balance of women and men in water management institutions and including gender impact analysis in projects, programmes and policies.
Zeitraum16 Sept. 2005
EreignistitelUN/Austria/European Space Agency Symposium - Space Systems: Protecting and Restoring Water Resources

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert


  • Gender
  • Water resource management