Heat pumps in industrial processes - A key technology of future energy systems

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Motivation Compression heat pumps will be an essential element as a key technology for decarbonization and will be used on a large scale in future. In a significant number of industrial processes, required utilization temperatures were not possible with heat pumps a few years ago. The development as well as demonstration of so-called high temperature heat pumps have overcome this barrier. High-temperature heat pumps in drying processes and steam generation High-temperature heat pumps were successfully demonstrated in the process heat supply in the H2020-projects DryFiciency and BAMBOO. In DryFiciency, water-to-water heat pumps for utilization temperatures up to 160°C were developed and demonstrated. In BAMBOO, the next step was to further develop heat pump systems for steam generation, as steam is a very common energy carrier in industrial energy systems. Both developments were picked up by component and heat pump manufacturers and further developed until they were ready for the market. Findings and market outlook This paper provides insight into two areas of application for the cross-sectional technology of high-temperature heat pumps. It summarizes the developments and considers other heat pump technologies for steam generation. The essential design aspects are described, and measurement results are presented. Furthermore, an outlook on the market potential is addressed. [1–3]. Field testing is underway or in preparation for the near future to achieve a high number of operating hours and prepare the market for high penetration [4–6]. References [1] I.E.A. IEA, Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector, 2021. [2] A. Marina, S. Spoelstra, H.A. Zondag, A.K. Wemmers, An estimation of the European industrial heat pump market potential, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139 (2021) 110545. [3] M. Koller, A. Schneeberger, V. Wilk (Eds.), Marktpotenzial für Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpen in Europa, 2020. [4] Heaten AS, 1MW HeatBooster: Key product characteristics, https://www.heaten.com/, accessed 8 April 2022. [5] SPH Sustainable Process Heat, Die Wärmepumpe: Produktbeschreibung, https://www.spheat.de/, accessed 8 April 2022. [6] D. Schlehuber M.Sc., CHALLENGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE HEAT PUMPS, Nürnberg, 2021.
Zeitraum6 Nov. 202210 Nov. 2022
EreignistitelSDEWES 2022, https://www.paphos2022.sdewes.org/

Research Field

  • Efficiency in Industrial Processes and Systems


  • Industrial heat pump
  • steam generation
  • industry
  • energy efficiency