High temperature heat pumps for industrial drying: operation experience and replicability

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Industrial heat pumps recover low temperature waste heat and provide valuable process heat. They are therefore an important element of the future energy system. Heat pumps supplying temperatures above 100°C significantly broaden the field of application for heat pumps in industry, as about 745 PJ/a are currently consumed in EU28 for process heat up to 150°C. High temperature heat pumps are now on the verge of commercialisation and are being demonstrated in industrial environment. This paper presents results of the H2020 demonstration project DryFiciency, where two high temperature heat pumps for industrial drying processes have been developed and operated for ca. 4000 h each.
Zeitraum5 Apr. 20227 Apr. 2022
Ereignistitel2nd International Sustainable Energy Conference 2022 (ISEC 2022)

Research Field

  • Efficiency in Industrial Processes and Systems