Identification and Representation of Topics in the Field of Alternative Propulsion Systems

  • Jürgen Pretschuh (Autor)
  • Barbara Heller-Schuh (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


In most cases innovation processes are accompanied by periods of creating, finding and selecting ideas by means of handling large amounts of information. By the example of the Austrian competence network "Antriebssysteme der Zukunft" this article shows how the initial phases of a R&D process for the development of an alternative propulsion system are supported via selective methods of knowledge management like computer-based structuring and visualisation of information. Based on electronically accessible information about basic conditions as well as scientific, economic and political strategies, a broad database as an initial point for detailed investigations has been generated. In the so-called era of information overload it is essential to use methods, which allow the identification of relevant publications about specific themes, institutions, persons, etc. Content-based structuring and organisation of information with the help of text-analytic procedures supports the efficient preparation of unstructured text material. This provides an insight in the correlation of thematic clusters and the kind of cross-linking between single topics. In this contribution we will show how bibliometric procedures may be utilised to identify general and specific topics in the field of alternative propulsion systems as well as the relevant key players from industry, politics and science. The visualisation of the connections between topics and between experts in terms of quantity and intensity, the degree of recentness of single topics and the local positioning of these topics in the network is crucial to enable the differentiation between relevant and non-relevant information in the context of the research focus.
Zeitraum22 Mai 200526 Mai 2005

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert