I´m fine, thank you - Contextualizing Mental Wellbeing for Persuasive Technologies

  • Michaela Reisinger (Autor)
  • Kathrin Röderer (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Persuasive technologies aim at helping individuals to achieve changes in their be-haviors - changes that are often embedded in a vision of "wellbeing". With a greater recognition of mental health as an area of concern, some persuasive tech-nologies also specifically aim at mental aspects of wellbeing. Yet, whether target-ed as a whole or in part, "wellbeing" quite often persists to be a hazy ultimate goal, little defined or made accessible through measurement techniques. In the present paper, we review wellbeing in the field of persuasive technology to elicit suitable definitions of wellbeing for persuasive technology and mental health, en-abling both grounding and factual base for persuasive wellbeing and wellbeing driven technology design.
Zeitraum9 Apr. 201911 Apr. 2019
Ereignistitel14th International Conference on Persuasive Technology

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Capturing Experience


  • Wellbeing
  • Intervention
  • Persuasive Technology
  • Mental Health
  • Review
  • Definition