Improved Diagnostic by analyzing Electrical Biosignals with Deep Learning

  • Franz Fürbass (Vortragender, eingeladen)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Talk 2: "Improved Diagnostic by analyzing Electrical Biosignals with Deep Learning" This talk will show how deep learning applications based on electrical biosignals can improve the yield of diagnostic tests in Neurology and Cardiology. Technologies like object detectors, deep regression, GANs, and autoencoders are applied to analyze measurements from brain and heart solving particular medical problems. Practical aspects on how to implement deep learning methods in CE certified medical products will be discussed. Franz Fürbass, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Zeitraum9 Apr. 2020
Ereignistitel#18 MLMilan: Graph ML and Diagnostics via Deep Learning

Research Field

  • Exploration of Digital Health