Innovative multipurpose station for manipulation, assembly and characterization at the micro range using AI control techniques

  • Ana Almansa (Autor)
  • Christian Wögerer (Autor)
  • Gernot Kronreif (Autor)
  • Werner Brenner (Autor)

    Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


    A general purpose micro-handling and assembly station was developed by the IMFT in the frame of a European network. Within a co-operation with them, started by ARC Seibersdorf research and involving Integrated Microsystems Austria, this modular multipurpose station is now under further and extended development, incorporating the latet technological concepts and tools in the field of automation, intelligent control strategies and MST.
    Zeitraum30 Nov. 2002
    EreignistitelIARP International Advanced Robotics Program

    Research Field

    • Nicht definiert


    • strategies
    • Microsystems
    • technological