Insights from an EEG study of mechanical engineers´ problem-solving and designing

  • Sonia Vieira (Autor)
  • John Gero (Vortragender)
  • Jessica Delmoral (Autor)
  • Valentin Gattol (Autor)
  • C. Fernandes (Autor)
  • Marco Parente (Autor)
  • António Augusto Fernandes (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


This paper presents results from an experiment to determine brain activation differences between problem-solving and designing of mechanical engineers. The study adopted and extended the tasks described in a prior fMRI study of design cognition and measured brain activation using EEG. The Experiment consists of multiple tasks: problem-solving, basic design and open design using a tangible interface. Statistical analyses indicate increased activation when designing compared to problem-solving.
Zeitraum23 Apr. 201924 Apr. 2019
EreignistitelHBiD - 2nd Human Behaviour in Design Conference

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Technology Experience


  • mechanical engineers
  • designing
  • design neurocognition
  • problem-solving