Korea - Austria - an Example of a Co-operation between Data Provider and Data User Across the Continents
Florian Kressler (Autor)
Kim Younsoo (Autor)
Gerhard Triebnig (Autor)
Christian Hoffmann (Autor)
Christian Schiller (Autor)
Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / Vorlesung › Präsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop
Data provider and data user are linked together by suitable data. This implies that for a successful relationship the provider knows what kind of data, whether original or processed, is needed by the user and that the user articulates his needs to the provider. The co-operation between Korea and Austria aims at identifying these needs and to provide suitable routines for the processing of satellite data. Partners of this co-operation are the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, ARC Seibersdorf research and GeoVille. While the focus of the former lies in the development and running of satellite systems, the latter two have experience in the development and set up of applications in the field of remote sensing. Based on the complementary know-how by the institutions involved, projects were set up in Korea and Austria to fulfill this need and establish a pilot data feed for governmental applications.