Background. Due to the aging of the population, maintaining or increasing the quality of life of older adults and sustainable health and care systems are, amongst others, of special interest. In the past, innovations enabled ICT-based products and services in the health and care sector, enabling prolonged autonomous life at home. Though many years of publicly-funded research and development (R&D), it is unclear if such Ambient or Active and Assisted Living (AAL) solutions are effective. AAL products and services might create additional value for stakeholders at the individual, the social, and the institutional level. However, specific goals pursued at varying stakeholder levels may collude or interfere, especially considering countries with differing social systems. Method. Against this background, the EvAALuation project series (EvAALuation, EvAALuation², and 3vAALuation) aimed at identifying and developing concrete instruments to evaluate the effects and effectiveness of AAL solutions (with a special focus on the application areas “health”, “care & support” and “being active & human potential”). These fields of application make it possible to demonstrate the versatility of AAL solutions and allow a concrete operationalization for the measurement of the broad effects of AAL. The developed instruments are characterized by a multi-perspective approach as well as high practicability to motivate the application. The measuring instruments were generated through an iterative process, including stakeholder workshops, expert interviews, and qualitative and quantitative pre-tests for validation and reliability examination. Findings. These iteratively developed and validated measuring instruments are divided into reactive data collection through questionnaires and non-reactive methods that describe detailed instructions for the collection of key figures. The reactive method descriptions contain, among other things, instructions on the use of questionnaires and the avoidance of process errors, instructions for test persons on how to answer questions and evaluation notes, while non-reactive measurement instructions describe relevant data sources, measurement objects, measurement times, and measurement modes. Furthermore, we highlight national differences and draw attention to methodological implications of cross-national studies. Discussion. In general, a great number of potential indicators exists but a suitable measurement system for an overall assessment of the impact of AAL technologies and systems is still lacking. Hereby, various obstacles have been identified (e.g., differentiation of AAL, measurement tools, operationalization). Moreover, various stakeholder groups (e.g., older adults, social insurance agencies, companies) might be affected by new technologies in different ways and pursue diverse goals depending on their own specific characteristics.Zeitraum | 23 Feb. 2023 → 24 Feb. 2023 |
Ereignistitel | 7th ATHEA Conference: Looking beyond borders: Global Health Economics |
Veranstaltungstyp | Konferenz |
Ort | Vienna, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |
Research Field
- Ehemaliges Research Field - Experience Measurement