MED1stMR: A Mixed Reality Training Approach for Emergency and Disaster Medicine

    Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


    The number of natural and human-made disasters is increasing worldwide, often resulting in large numbers of casualties. Disaster situations are particularly challenging for first responders as manag-ing such situations is often complex and context dependent. First responders must be able to adapt quickly to the conditions and need to have a good knowledge of procedures that are not required in their daily work (e.g., first level triage). To be prepared for such cases tabletop exercises and large-scale real-life exercises are conducted. Tabletop exercises train mostly theoretical procedures and resource planning, thus allow training only one aspect of handling disaster situations. Realistic real-life exercises are resource-intensive, place high organisational demands on logistics and coordina-tion of the participating units, bear the risk of participants getting injured, and are costly, which is why these exercises are not often carried out. Virtual Reality (VR) has already proven to be a serious alternative to and – in some cases - an im-provement of traditional training. VR can provide virtual environments that allow to perform train-ing repeatedly under the same controlled conditions. This repetition is especially beneficial for learn-ing and mastering a new skill or process. In the H2020 project MED1stMR, a Mixed Reality (MR) training system for medical first responders is developed. In MED1stMR a VR environment is en-hanced with tangible VR-enabled patient simulation manikins. With this new MR training environ-ment, MED1stMR provides a training platform for collaborative multi-user training to train medical skills as well as communication and decision-making skills in disaster situations. By including mani-kins and medical equipment as tangible objects to support learning, the MED1stMR system provides a more realistic experience and enables new opportunities for training hands-on tasks: Overall the MED1stMR system is a serious compliment to real-life exercises to better prepare medical first re-sponders for emergency and disaster medicine.
    Zeitraum13 Okt. 202214 Okt. 2022
    EreignistitelDisaster Research Days 2022

    Research Field

    • Former Research Field - Experience Business Transformation