MED1stMR: Mixed Reality (MR) training approach to combine medical patient simulators with virtual environments and smart scenario control options

  • Regal, G. (Autor, eingeladen)
  • Pedro Duque (Autor, eingeladen)

    Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


    In this talk, we present the Horizon Europe project MED1stMR that investigates mixed reality training for medical first responders (MFR). MED1stMR focus on two central aspects: (1) mixed reality (MR) environment with real manikins and medical tools, and (2) biosignal measurement and AI based smart scenario control. On the one hand Med1stMR will integrate patient simulation manikins and medical equipment into virtual environments to offer realistic training through a rich sensory experience, bringing it closer to reality and enabling both scenario training and medical skill training in the same MR scenario. On the other hand, to enhance the effectiveness of MR training and consequently the performance of MFRs in crisis situations, a physiological signal and trainee behaviour feedback loop with body sensors will be integrated for a smart AI-driven scenario control to personalize and adapt training to the needs.
    Zeitraum14 Sept. 202215 Sept. 2022
    EreignistitelSHOTPROS Final Conference

    Research Field

    • Former Research Field - Experience Business Transformation