Microbial diagnostic microarrays - potential and promises

  • Levente Bodrossy (Autor)
  • Nancy Stralis-Pavese (Autor)
  • Bertrand Tankouo Sandjong (Autor)
  • Alexandra Weilharter (Autor)
  • Sessitsch, A. (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Microbial diagnostic microarrays contain hundreds to thousands of nucleic acid probes, each probe being specific for a given microorganism or for a defined group of them. They enable the fast detection and identification of microorganisms in a highly parallel manner. There is a tremendous potential for diagnostic microarrays in microbiology. We have developed a suite of techniques for microbial diagnostic microarrays; created and validated a microarray for the detection, identification and community structure analysis of methane oxidising bacteria; and applied this microarray in a full-scale project, demonstrating its application potential. Besides the realised potential of the technology, its future promises and current technological limitations will be discussed
Zeitraum1 Jan. 200431 Jan. 2004
EreignistitelDechema Statusseminar Chiptechnologien

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert