Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / Vorlesung › Präsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop
The focus of COST Action 633 Working Group 3 (WG3) is directed towards the evaluation of the availability and application in COST633 member countries of emission inventories, dispersion models, source apportionment methods and integrated assessment models. To this end, a compilation of meta-data among the COST633 member countries was carried out by means of questionnaires. The results from the questionnaires may be seen as an overview on the dispersion modelling and source apportionment activities in Europe before the year 2006. In the case of source apportionment methods, a total of 47 publications were reported from 7 countries based on 10 different methodologies. The evaluation of the resulting data showed a broad range of PM10 and PM2.5 sources across Europe, as well as the different criteria adopted to interpret the nature of such sources. Achieving comparable results was identified as one of the major challenges in Europe. The relevance of sources such as regional background contributions road dust or shipping emissions, some of them unobserved in the reported studies, was evidenced.
16 Mai 2007
Particles and Health - State of the Research and Policy Implication