The Programme for Positive Energy Districts (PED) aims at supporting the planning, large-scale implementation and replication of 100 Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods by 2025. The challenges of implementing the concept of energy positive urban environments are to be found in the process management in the complexity of the urban system, i.e. developing innovative stakeholder engagement strategies and overcoming "silos" of planning and technology. The PED concept imposes a need to re-think governance and involvement structures. From an urbanistic point of view, it is an imperative to not view energy goals separately or as a matter of priority, but to involve them in systemic strategies aiming at creating sustainable, liveable, inclusive neighbourhoods fit to meet the challenges of our generations. Identification and adequate involvement of relevant stakeholders (city administration/departments, providers, real estate sector, building industry, civil society etc.) in the PED implementation process from the beginning is a key factor for implementation success. Special attention should be paid to participation of citizens of a building/of a neighbourhood. As analysed in the PED Programme activities, stakeholder involvement and citizen support rank high in the success factors of a project and are also seen as one of the biggest challenges. Facing public/citizen opposition to a project may well be considered as one of the primary barriers to projects. Citizen participation becomes more important, since a lot of projects are taking place (and will have to take place) in existing neighbourhoods and thus are integral part of comprehensive retrofitting strategies. Cities are key actors in tackling the climate crisis and performing the energy transition, they need to be heard in their challenges and supported in their ambitions. But - being responsible for a functioning infrastructure and therefore the well-being of their inhabitants, cities are not the usual places of innovation and experiment. The concept of Urban Living Labs, adapted to the PED ambition, provides that space: on-ground, real-life experimenting with innovative formats of process management, cross-silo-work and co-creation. This session would like to discuss framework conditions and attributes for a PED lab and experimental Environment: (1) What framework conditions are needed for PED Labs in terms of funding conditions, duration, ownership, geography and/or sustainability? (2) Who should be engaged in a PED Lab and what engagement strategies need to be applied to ensure fruitful co-creation processes? (3) What can be delivered by a PED Lab and what is beyond the PED Lab?Zeitraum | 18 Aug. 2020 → 21 Aug. 2020 |
Ereignistitel | IST 2020 - 11th International Sustainability Transition conference |
Veranstaltungstyp | Sonstiges |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |
Research Field
- Ehemaliges Research Field - Innovation Systems and Policy
- living labs
- energy Transition
- positive energy districts
- co-creation
- stakeholder engagement
- R&I Programme