Platform for Ergonomic and Motivating ICT-based Age-Friendly Workplaces

  • Jan Bobeth (Autor)
  • Valentin Gattol (Autor)
  • Ingo Meyer (Autor)
  • Sonja Müller (Autor)
  • John Soldatos (Autor)
  • Sebastian Egger-Lampl (Autor)
  • Marc Busch (Vortragender)
  • Tscheligi, M. (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Despite recent advances in the development of age-friendly supportive tools at the workplace, more efforts are needed to design a truly holistic solution that caters to the needs and wishes of older employees. Our aim is to design and develop a platform that supports older employees to remain longer active and satisfied in the workplace. This is achieved by offering a range of assistive tools and Services, both for the Office and the home Environment. In the present paper, we describe the common Vision we developed at a Joint Workshop with all Project Partners, and outline the next steps in achieving this vision.
Zeitraum26 Okt. 201430 Okt. 2014
EreignistitelNordiCHI'14 - 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Technology Experience