Robot Supported Play - New Possibilities for Physically Handicapped Children?!
Andreas Hochgatterer (Autor)
Barbara Prazak-Aram (Autor)
Gernot Kronreif (Autor)
Martin Fürst (Autor)
Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / Vorlesung › Präsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop
It is a well known thesis of developmental psychology that playing is a substantial part of daily life activities and a vehicle of learning in (early) childhood. A study currently carried out by ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH (ARCS) investigates how children with severe physical handicaps play in comparison with "normal" children.
The final goal of the study is to identify if and how the usage of up-to-date technology can provide enhanced possibilities to interact with the (toy) environment for severe physically handicapped children. First results given in this paper indicate that for this user group a toy robot system can be a reasonable solution to enable playing and learning. The paper outlines a special designed robot system for playing, learning and therapy being under development by the "Group on Intelligent Robot Systems" of ARCS.
31 Aug. 2003 → 3 Sept. 2003
7th European conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe