Johanna Schmidt (Vortragender, eingeladener Hauptvortrag)
Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / Vorlesung › Präsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop
Transport surveys are an important instrument for transport planners, cities, authorities, and other stakeholders to obtain data about mobility demand, modal split and other travel behavior aspects of people. Data collection for transport surveys can nowadays be greatly improved by technology-based survey settings. Smartphone-based techniques, for example, allow the capture of multimodal mobility data with much higher level-of-detail and accuracy than traditional paper-and-pencil instruments. We present AIT Smart Survey, a readily available software solution for smartphone-based multi-modal trip reconstruction distinguishing eight travel modes and recognizing trip purposes. Technology-aided transport surveys also lead to significantly larger amounts of data being collected in the course of transport surveys, with much more spatial-temporal information inherent than traditional statistics from transport planning. We are therefore also working on a visual analytics system for monitoring transport surveys and for helping users to analyze the rich trip data collected by a smartphones.