Studying The Neurophysiology of Designing Through an EEG Study of Layout Design: Preliminary Results

  • Sonia Vieira (Vortragender, eingeladen)
  • John Gero (Autor, eingeladen)
  • Jessica Delmoral (Autor, eingeladen)
  • C. Fernandes (Autor, eingeladen)
  • Valentin Gattol (Autor, eingeladen)
  • António Augusto Fernandes (Autor, eingeladen)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


The study described in this workshop paper is part of a larger research project whose goal is to correlate design cognition with brain behavior. This paper presents preliminary results from an experiment using EEG to measure brain activation to study design cognition. In this study, we adopted and then extended the tasks described in a previous fMRI study of design cognition reported in the literature. The block experiment consists of a sequence of 3 tasks: problem solving, basic design and open design using a physical interface. The block is preceded by a familiarizing pre-task using the physical interface and then extended to a fourth task using free-hand sketching. We have collected brainwaves in experiments with 44 participants with backgrounds in industrial design, architecture, engineering design and graphic design. This paper shows preliminary neurophysiological results from 12 participants, comparing industrial designers and mechanical engineers. Preliminary results indicate task-related power differences in activation between the problem- solving task and the design tasks, differences in band power levels and temporal resolution across participants and across backgrounds. The results from this study will contribute to t he correlation of brain behavior during designing with design cognition.
Zeitraum30 Juni 20184 Juli 2018
EreignistitelDCC'18 - 8th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Capturing Experience