Test prodecures for decontamination of R/N substances

  • Matthias Blaickner (Autor)
  • Thomas Geringer (Autor)
  • Leo Riedlmayer (Autor)
  • Alexander Stolar (Autor)
  • Andreas Ziegler (Autor)
  • Matthias Blaickner (Vortragender)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


The purpose of the below described test is to evaluate the effectiveness of standard decontamination methods in regard to the scenario of First Responders (FR) decontaminating their vehicle. In a terrorist attack with R/N agents vehicles of FRs like Fire Brigade or Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will have to enter the hot zone and therefore will very likely be contaminated on the outside, by the surrounding environment, as well as on the inside, by the FRs themselves and the transport of contaminated victims. By simulating contamination outside and inside an ambulance with the radionuclide Technetium 99m in different physical forms one can on the one side check if standard decontamination procedures do fulfill the requirements necessary for the reuse of the contaminated vehicle and on the other side estimate the time needed for decontamination. The sooner a vehicle can return to the hot zone, the better one can expect the coordination of the emergency services. These two goals, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the decontamination procedures and the corresponding timeframe, are of big importance since in the scenario of a terrorist event with R/N substances the relations between them play a very crucial role.
Zeitraum21 Feb. 2006
EreignistitelWP 600 Meeting

Research Field

  • Biosensor Technologies