The Seibersdorf Testhouse on Aerospace Materials Technology - a link between ESA and EU Programmes
Ernst Semerad (Autor)
Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / Vorlesung › Präsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop
In summary both presented programs the "ESTEC-Testhouse for space materials" of ESA and the "AMTT - Aerospace Materials Technology Testhouse" of the European Community demonstrate a possible mechanism to develop cooperations between industry and research centres/universities. Both programs have the same goal to support aerospace industry. The funding thereby either helps to cover the risk of development in industrial projects or to create additional knowledge beneficial for the aerospace community and/or needed by ESA. The testhouse thereby provides support by its analytical facilities not feasible for a single firm, and offers its expertise in materials R&D.
Since the ESTEC testhouse contract was started numerous direct contracts with aerospace industries have been initiated. These cooperations and the background archived by the ESTEC testhouse were the basis for the acceptance as an European large scale facility, demonstrating a succesful spin off by an ESA program
30 Nov. 1997
Academic and Industiral Cooperation in Space Research