The TechEthos Game: Ages of Impact

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


‘You have been chosen to sit on the Citizen World Council and decide in good conscience what will be best for the future of the World.’ Thus begins the players’ adventure in the game developed by the EU-funded research project TechEthos.

The serious game, “The TechEthos game: Ages of Technology Impact” is a low-threshold approach to introduce citizens to the world of emerging technologies and future applications like Digital Extended Reality, Neurotechnologies, and Climate Engineering. Developed in co-creation with science communication professionals, social scientists, and game designers, the game is a collaborative and playful method to elicit citizen’s perspectives on the trade-offs and unintended consequences in the evolution of technologies. It aims at giving a voice to citizens and using their feedback and emotions about important social and ethical issues to inform ethical guidelines for the development of these emerging technologies.

During the Meetup-Event, you’ll hear from the game developers and researchers about their experience with the game, including its application in different contexts.
As participants you will also get the chance to attend a demo session and explore a physical copy of the game, play through a game round in small groups, and hear about our findings, including what worked and what could be improved. We hope the game's modularity and open access will inspire others to take up and enhance the resource and develop new sets in their areas of work.

The TechEthos project aims to inform ethical guidelines for technologists and researchers, putting values at the center of an ethics-by-design approach. Overall, TechEthos represents a concerted effort to engage the public in important ethical discussions and decision-making processes concerning new and emerging technologies, contributing to a more informed and value-driven approach to their development and implementation. For more information, visit
Zeitraum13 Sept. 2023
EreignistitelSpeculative Futures Meetup
OrtBerlin, DeutschlandAuf Karte anzeigen

Research Field

  • Societal Futures


  • Participation
  • Serious game
  • Foresight
  • Future Studies
  • Values
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Neurotech
  • Extended Digital Reality
  • Climate Engineering
  • Citizen Engagement