Thematic cDNA arrays for abiotic stress analysis in plants

  • Dieter Kopecky (Autor)
  • Trognitz, F. (Autor)
  • Astrid Heide Sziderics (Autor)
  • Silvia Fluch (Autor)

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


Comparative mapping results as well as the conserved orthologous set concept recently developed by Fulton et al (2002) showed that there is a high amount of homology between genomes. Based on the premise that many genes in plants are shared with considerable functional conservation, there is an opportunity to exploit this situation by building upon the comparative genetics approach. Through assays for genetic complementarities among crop plants, it is possible to discover gene functions and how these functions relate to trait expression. Furthermore, it is possible to use and transfer knowledge from model species to less-investigated crop species. A bottleneck for high-throughput analysis is the availability and accessibility of data, information, and resources. Therefore, comparative genomics might be an affordable and time-saving solution. Based on these ideas and assumptions, we are aiming at constructing cDNA arrays for investigating abiotic stress reactions of plants using high throughput expression profiling. Based on literature data for model species and physical cDNA (EST) resources deposited in our plant gene database (, we are developing a drought stress cDNA array.
Zeitraum1 Mai 200531 Mai 2005

Research Field

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