Thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of endless carbon fibre reinforced copper matrix composites

  • Jurai Korab (Autor)
  • Georg Korb (Autor)
  • P. Sebo (Autor)

    Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


    From many literature sources one may notice that the number of research works in the field of endless Carbon fibre reinforced copper matrix composites (Cu-CfMMC) increases. The reason is that the material may find many good applications in electronic, electric and power production industries. Packaging materials in these applications are those ones which support many integrated circuits and other components in electronic devices. Here the thermal management is very important because many parts mounted in close vicinity and these parts (integrated circuits etc.) become more and more powerful. They produce muc heat which has to be dissipated away from thesse ctive components in order to prevent their overheating and damge. In this way it is possible to produce more reliable whole devices. The requirements needced for heat sink materials are high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) which should be similar and tailorable to thosse one of other semiconductor and packaging materials. Very important is also a low density - especially for space and aircraft applications and also good machinability of the new material. It is required that all these properties should be owned by the new Cu-CfMMC. The paper deals with the preparation method, CTE and thermal conductivity measurements and with analysis of results of the composite. Endless PAN-type carbon fibres (Torayca T300) have been continuously copper coated, then monolayers and bulk material in a shape of plates and discs has been prepared by hot pressing technology. The fibre orientation in plate samples was unidirectional or bi-directional (cross-ply), discs samples had spiral orientation of carbon fibres. Thermophysical properties e.g. thermal conductivity´and CTE of the composite have been measured in longitudinal and transversal directions, and the data have been evaluated and analysed. The measured values of crossply composites were compared with competitors. Results showewd that Cu-CfMMC may be a suitable candidate for heat sink material because of its good thermophyiscal properites e.g. in-plane thermal conductivity (150W/m.K) through-thickness conductivity (50W/m.K), low density (~5g/cm3), low and tailorable coefficient of thermal expansion (5-9.10-6/K) and good machinability. At the end of the paper the suitability of the Cu-CfMMC for heat sink application is analysed and some steps for improvement are stated. As a result of the analysis some possible other applicaitons are also mentioned.
    Zeitraum27 Apr. 199829 Apr. 1998
    EreignistitelElectronic Manufacturing Technology Symposium - IEMT Europe´98

    Research Field

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