Widening participation in foresight: Exploring pathways towards the EU Retail Ecosystem 2040

Aktivität: Vortrag ohne Tagungsband / VorlesungPräsentation auf einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz / Workshop


We explore how to organise a wider participation and engagement of heterogeneous groups of stakeholders in Foresight activities facilitated by online techniques. Furthermore, we also address how growing attention to normative and ethical considerations can be included in the foresight activities. Participation is an inherent part of the foresight activities to enable the inclusion of diverse perspectives in the sense-making of future developments.The paper presents the case study on the recent foresight project conducted for the DG GROW of the European Commission. The use of foresight methods and strong engagement of a large number of actors and
stakeholders form the basis for recommendations for policy interventions conducive to the expected dramatic changes in the sector. The online engagement of a wider set of stakeholders to explore long-term developments is particularly difficult when urgent matters (in particular the COVID-19 pandemics) get the attention of participants. Adapting the topics to the immediate environment of the respondents (in our case especially the SME leaders) helps engage them. Using different methods to engage with different participants can help reach out to a more diverse set of stakeholders and thus bring in wider perspectives of future developments.
Zeitraum16 Juni 2023
EreignistitelEu-SPRI Conference : Research with Impact
OrtBrighton, Großbritannien/Vereinigtes KönigreichAuf Karte anzeigen

Research Field

  • Societal Futures


  • Participation
  • Foresight
  • Retail Ecosystem