10th SUERF/UniCredit Foundation Research Prize

  • Kitzler, Stefan (Empfänger/-in), Saggese, Pietro (Empfänger/-in), Haslhofer, Bernhard (Empfänger/-in) & Victor, Friedhelm (Empfänger/-in)

Auszeichnung: Auszeichnung für ein Projekt / eine Technology


SUERF/UniCredit Foundation

The SUERF/UniCredit Foundation Research Prize was inaugurated in 2013, and rewards outstanding papers, up to two prizes, submitted on a specific topic. The prize is open to papers completed within 12 months of the entry deadline by authors and co-authors aged under 40 by the closing date of the competition. The winning papers are presented at a joint workshop.
StipendiumsorganisationenUniCredito Italiano

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Ereignistitel10th SUERF UniCredit Foundation Research Prize - Presentation and Discussion
OrtWU Wien, Vienna, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen
Zeitraum30 März 2023