2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Participation

Peter Fröhlich, Matthias Baldauf, Sampo Ruoppila, Manfred Tscheligi, Florian Alt

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The proposed workshop envisions the idea of Pervasive Participation, forms of advanced citizen e-participation based on the pervasive computing paradigm utilizing latest mobile technology such as feature-rich smartphones and appliances embedded in today´s technically enriched urban surroundings. Opportunities reach from using today´s sensing, communication and display features of smartphones, wearable gadgets including smartwatches and glasses, up to instrumented environments with interactive walls. Pervasive Participation is an inherently interdisciplinary research endeavor requiring expertise from disciplines such as pervasive and mobile computing, human-computer interaction, social sciences as well as political sciences. We will select participants based on submitted position papers describing their research on advanced citizen e-participation. Together with them, we seek to discuss the requirements, opportunities, challenges and impact of such novel citizen e-participation concepts. This workshop is planned as a one-day workshop containing presentation sessions and an interactive brainstorming session and breakout activity for identifying relevant issues and upcoming research challenges. Based on the collected contributions, we will try to create a research roadmap for Pervasive Participation and to explore opportunities for future work and collaborations.
TitelUbiComp '15 Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2015

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Technology Experience


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