A new approach to measure the centrality of regions in R&D networks

Laurent Bergé, Iris Wanzenböck (Vortragende:r), Thomas Scherngell

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


Structural properties and dynamics of Research and Development (R&D) Networks have gained considerable interest in the recent past. One central aim of this paper is to deal more explicitly with the insufficiencies of the common SNA-based approaches to represent R&D networks and interpret network centrality at the aggregated level of regions. Relevant questions to be addressed are (i) how can we reflect more adequately regions and the centrality of regions in a network that is composed of several Research actors in its underlying structure, and (ii) what are then the main building blocks that characterize central regions, in particular when we talk about R&D networks? We propose a new measure of regional centrality that is explicitly designed for aggregated networks. Our approach is based on the concept of inter-regional bridging paths (indirect connections at the regional level). We show that the formal definition of our regional bridging centrality measure can be expressed in terms of three simple components: the participation intensity of a region in inter-regional R&D collaborations, the relative outward orientation in terms of all established links and the diversification of R&D collaborations among partner regions. We illustrate the measure and its behaviour with respect to other conventional centrality measures by using the European co-patent network at the NUTS2 level.
Titel3rd Geography of Innovation Conference Proceedings
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2016
Veranstaltung3rd Geography of Innovation Conference -
Dauer: 28 Jan. 201630 Jan. 2016


Konferenz3rd Geography of Innovation Conference

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Innovation Systems and Policy


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