A Simulation-driven Tool for Supporting Risk and Resilience Assessment in Cities

Stefan Schauer (Vortragende:r), Sandra König, Martin Latzenhofer, Thomas Hiebl , Benjamin Doppler , Wolfgang Mayr, Stefan Rass

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


We present a tool-based method, i.e., the ODYSSEUS approach, to support cities’ risk and
crisis managers on evaluating the cascading effects of an incident occurring in their
metropolitan areas. The presented tool is set up with structural and operative information
of CIs from various sectors within a etropolitan area, focusing in particular on different concepts for dealing with diverse quality and sources of the available information such as integrating expert opinions or neural networks. Further, ODYSSEUS utilizes an abstract model to represent the CIs’ assets and their interrelations; the simulation capabilities are based on that model and provide a detailed overview on the propagation of cascading effects in the CI network. To showcase the functionality of the ODYSSEUS approach, we will present the evaluation of a use case scenario, describe the instantiation process of the abstract CI model, demonstrate how resulting cascading effects are simulated and how the results can be used to support crisis managers to assess counter measures.
TitelProceedings of the 60th ESReDA Seminar
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2022
VeranstaltungThe 60th ESReDA Seminar on Advances in Modelling to Improve Network Resilience -
Dauer: 4 Mai 20225 Mai 2022


SeminarThe 60th ESReDA Seminar on Advances in Modelling to Improve Network Resilience

Research Field

  • Dependable Systems Engineering


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