An Efficient Method to Simulate the Influence of the Modulation Strategy in Inverter Drives

Johannes Vinzenz Gragger (Vortragende:r)

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in Tagungsband


In this work an object-oriented traction drive model utilizing an averaged inverter model together with models of the electric machine and the drive control system is presented. The inverter model is used for loss calculation and is applicable for continuous and discontinuous modulation strategies. With the proposed model inverter losses and junction temperatures can be calculated together with electrical and mechanical quantities of the machine in one simulation. Therefore, the proposed model can be used to identify the most efficient modulation strategy for each operation point in traction drive inverters.
TitelProceedings of 13th IEEE COMPEL 2012
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2012
VeranstaltungThirteenth IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics -
Dauer: 10 Juni 201213 Juni 2012


KonferenzThirteenth IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics

Research Field

  • Nicht definiert


  • electro-thermal simulation
  • continuous PWM
  • discontinuous PWM
  • conduction losses
  • switching losses


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