An integrated urban planning and simulation method to enforce spatial resilience towards flooding hazards Chair of Computer Science in

Julius Morschek, Reinhard König, Sven Schneider

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ABSTRACT Urban development projects in flood-prone areas are usually complex tasks where failures can cause disastrous outcomes. To tackle this problem, we introduce a toolbox (Spatial Resilience Toolbox - Flooding, short: SRTF) to integrate flooding related aspects into the planning process. This, so called toolbox enables stakeholders to assess risks, evaluate designs and identify possible mitigations of flood-related causes within the planning software environment Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper. The paper presents a convenient approach to integrate flooding simulation and analysis at various scales and abstractions into the planning process. The toolbox conducts physically based simulations to give the user feedback about the current state of flooding resilience within an urban fabric. It is possible to evaluate existing structures, ongoing developments as well as future plans. The toolbox is designed to handle structures in a building scale as well as entire neighborhood developments or cities. Urban designers can optimize the spatial layout according to flood resilience in an early phase of the planning process. In this way, the toolbox can help to minimize the risk of flooding and simultaneously reduces the cost arising from the implementation and maintenance of drainage infrastructure.
TitelSymposium on Simulation for Architecure and Urban Design (SimAUD)
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2019

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Energy


  • Fluid dynamics; flood simulation; spatial resilience; Grasshopper for Rhino


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