Analysis of the Technological Innovation System for BIPV in Austria: Report IEA-PVPS T15-21:2024

Momir Tabakovic, Stefan Savic, Andreas Türk, Thomas Schostal, Gabriele Eder, Karl A. Berger, Dieter Moor, Lukas Gaisberger, Michael Grobbauer, Hubert Fechner

Publikation: Bücher und BerichteBericht


This report analyses the Technological Innovation System (TIS) of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in Austria. The study’s scope is consistent with the Report IEA-PVPS T15-16:2023 "Guide for Technological Innovation System Analysis for Building Integrated Photovoltaics". The analysis aims to facilitate and support the innovation, development, and implementation of industrial solutions of BIPV technologies. In Austria, the use of BIPV is still a niche application and covers under 2% of all implemented PV systems. BIPV technology in Austria has historically developed with the support of different public financial incentives, national and European. The history of BIPV is somehow tightened to the history of PV.
The recommendations are summarized as follows: i) It is important to involve (BI)PV in the early stages of the building planning process. ii) successful implementation projects must be made public through various channels to increase knowledge about BIPV technology and its possibilities (e.g., lighthouse projects in public buildings). iii) PV standards and construction codes have to be harmonized. iv) The Austrian government should stipulate the use of PV in the obligatory building specifications. v) Another recommendation would be to enact a law requiring every sealed area to be checked for dual use with (BI)PV.
ISBN (elektronisch)978-3-907281-59-8
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Sept. 2024

Research Field

  • Hybrid Power Plants


  • photovoltaic
  • building integration
  • state of the art

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