Assessment of physical road infrastructure to support automated vehicles in an urban environment

Isabela Petronela Erdelean, Andrea Schaub (Vortragende:r), Christian Stefan, Marek Vanzura, Veronika Prändl-Zika, Andreas Hula

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandBeitrag in Tagungsband mit PosterpräsentationBegutachtung


When discussing the implementation of automated driving systems, multiple factors need to be considered. Yet, a major factor is technical reliability which strongly depends on the consistent functionality of automated driving systems under varying road infrastructure. Most research (Galileo4Mobility (2018); ADAS&ME (2020); AUTOMATE (2020)) focuses on technical challenges and does not investigate if and to what extent physical road infrastructure (PI) contributes to safe automated driving. This paper presents the results of the EU project SHOW concerning the PI's role on automated driving in an urban environment. The most relevant PI elements, including lane markings, traffic signs and sight distances are investigated, leading to PI requirements and recommendations for adaptations. A software tool for assessing the automation readiness of a test site with regard to PI is also described.
TitelTransport Research Procedia
BandVolume 72
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2022
VeranstaltungTransport Research Arena TRA Conference 2022 -
Dauer: 14 Nov. 202217 Nov. 2022


KonferenzTransport Research Arena TRA Conference 2022

Research Field

  • Road Infrastructure Assessment, Modelling and Safety Evaluation


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