Characteristics of Urban Agglomerations in Different Continents: History, Patterns, Dynamics, Drivers and Trends

Wolfgang Loibl, Ghazal Etminan, Ernst Gebetsroither-Geringer, Hans-Martin Neumann, Santiago Sanchez-Guzman

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandBuchkapitel


Urban agglomerations show different development patterns and stages. Here, we describe, discuss and compare urban agglomerations in different continents. The introduction section gives a general overview of specific issues of urban agglomerations. Different characteristics in Europe, Asia and America are discussed as experienced by the article´s co-authors, living in or working for urban agglomerations in these continents. First, the history of urbanization and agglomeration evolvement is described, then patterns, functional structures and relations, drivers as well as social and demographic characteristics are discussed (e.g. migration, aging, household structure, housing patterns, workplaces, etc.). Transportation infrastructure (roads, public transport systems) is also addressed as trigger for spatial dynamics causing certain effects (floor space, office and apartment rents releasing urban sprawl or hyper-densification), as well as gentrification. Further topics are urban governance and its impact on agglomeration development. Recent state and future trends will be debated, if important. A conclusion section summarizes the comparison of state, dynamics, drivers and trends.
TitelUrban Agglomeration
Redakteure/-innenMustafa Ergen
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2018

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Energy


  • urban agglomeration
  • trends
  • drivers
  • patterns
  • functions and relations


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