Data Driven Photovoltaic Regionalization Approach for Distribution System Operator Supply Areas

Paul Zehetbauer (Vortragende:r), Clemens Korner, Thomas Wieland, Stephan Brandl, Maximilian Ortner

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    The progressive digitalization of power systems and increasing accessibility of corresponding data sources enable data-driven simulative power system analysis for distribution network operator (DSO) supply areas. Control algorithms to secure steady power supply are developed and tested in a multitude of projects, mostly on very specific study cases. Tools and methods how to assume power flows for regions in the future are needed to utilize upcoming data sources in a meaningful way. The related paper shows a data driven photovoltaic regionalization approach which provides numbers, sizes and locations of rooftop and ground mounted photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to the grid infrastructure. It focusses on the use and interconnection of different data sets and how to further process them in algorithms. A demonstration of a future PV scenario in 2050 in a DSO supply area is shown in the results. It illustrates the benefit in using georeferenced data of power systems combined with other domains to obtain to-the-grid assignable PV scenarios which can be directly used in further power flow studies.
    TitelCIRED Conference Proceedings
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 15 Juni 2023
    Veranstaltung27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) - Italy, Rome, Italien
    Dauer: 12 Juni 202315 Juni 2023


    Ausstellungen27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED)

    Research Field

    • Power System Planning and Operation


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