Datenanalyse und Softwareentwicklung für Monitoring von Energiesystemen

Stefan fDn Hartl

Publikation: AbschlussarbeitBachelorarbeit


This thesis deals with the evaluation and calculation of measurements of different sensor systems. For this reason a large part of the project is the reliable data processing and the development of a monitoring system. In the course of the research a software is being developed to provide a uniform data structure. The other part deals with the evaluation of the collected data, especially from the CO2 and simple household appliances. In addition, a calculation method will be created around the CO2 concentration to simulate rooms. The energy and power measurements of the household appliances should show the consumption of a typical household and identify where savings potential still exists. The results show a relative use of the equipment over a day. The calculation method is for closed systems. Therefore the measurements are set up in one of the meeting rooms of the ENERGYbase, because it fits all the necessary requirements (closed system, a ventilation system with different settings, frequently used). With the results of the measurements the theory can be proofed. Therefore the calculation of the CO2 concentration new ventilation systems can be designed and the quality of existing systems can be verified.
Gradverleihende Hochschule
  • TU Wien
Betreuer/-in / Berater/-in
  • Zucker, Gerhard, Betreuer:in
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2011

Research Field

  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Energy

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