Deployment of AAL Solutions in Real Homes for a Living Lab Evaluation: Challenges and Lessons Learnt in AALUIS

Jan Bobeth (Vortragende:r), Stephanie Schwarz, Christopher Clemens Mayer, Martin Morandell, Markus Garschall, Manfred Tscheligi

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch oder TagungsbandVortrag mit Beitrag in TagungsbandBegutachtung


To get evidence about acceptance and usage of AAL solutions in real world, the accordant systems must be deployed outside of lab environments. We installed a TV and tablet-based interactive system in the homes of 23 older olds in need of care services to provide wellbeing inquiries, activation prompts, and various reminders. In this article, we present challenges and lessons learnt from setting up ad hoc living labs for the evaluation of these care services in real homes. Implications reach from conducting extensive system tests in real world to intensive training and supervision for the participants during the study runtime.
TitelBroader, Bigger, Better - AAL solutions for Europe - Proceedings of the AAL Forum 2014 Bucharest
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014
VeranstaltungAAL Forum 2014 - "Broader, Bigger, Better - AAL Solutions for Europe" -
Dauer: 9 Sept. 201412 Sept. 2014


KonferenzAAL Forum 2014 - "Broader, Bigger, Better - AAL Solutions for Europe"

Research Field

  • Außerhalb der AIT Research Fields
  • Ehemaliges Research Field - Technology Experience


  • AAL
  • living labs
  • care services
  • TV
  • tablet
  • AALuis


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