Development and Application of a New Ontology in the Context of Hybrid AC/DC Grids

Alessando Rossi (Vortragende:r), Marzia Mammina, Jawad Kazmi, Zhiyu Pan, Charles Emehel, Bharath-Varsh Rao, Antonio Montilla

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    The HYPERRIDE project aims to enable a unique revolution in the electrical grid infrastructure creating the conditions to really unlock a wide application of DC technology in the distribution grid. By combining DC and AC technologies, HYPERRIDE will demonstrate potential solutions that are seen in AC-DC hybrid grids for LV and MV infrastructures, as most power electronics applications use internal DC power supplies. Furthermore, HYPERRIDE provides a technology-independent specification of a FIWARE-based interoperable and secure ICT platform. In this paper, after giving a quick rundown on main energy domain ontologies that share knowledge conceptualization to allow an easier systems interaction and give the system components reasoning capabilities and autonomy, the HADGO developed inside the project will be described and a real case application will be presented. The Switch Gear use case was successfully modeled and evaluated for inconsistencies using the HermiT Reasoner. Asserted and inferred facts were achieved and more use case scenarios can be updated on the HADGO ontology either through hard coding on the Protégé GUI or using the ontology learning method. A total of 301 asserted and inferred axioms were achieved using the HermiT Reasoner on the Protégé ontology development tool. The HADGO ontology is applied in the HYPERRIDE sensing and monitoring infrastructure layer. It shows the usability of HADGO ontology in a real use case scenario of a grid information system.
    TitelProceedings of IARIA Congress 2023
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 13 Nov. 2023
    VeranstaltungIARIA Congress 2023, The 2023 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications - Valencia, Spanien
    Dauer: 13 Nov. 202317 Nov. 2023


    KonferenzIARIA Congress 2023, The 2023 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications

    Research Field

    • Power System Digitalisation


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