Development of a Multiplexing Injector for Gas Chromatography for the Time-Resolved Analysis of Volatile Emissions from Lithium-Ion Batteries: Molecules

Maria Antoniadou, Valentin Schierer, Daniela Fontana, Jürgen Kahr, Erwin Rosenberg

Publikation: Andere BeiträgeSonstiger BeitragBegutachtung


Multiplex sampling, so far mainly used as a tool for S/N ratio improvement in spectroscopic applications and separation techniques, has been investigated here for its potential suitability for time-resolved monitoring where chromatograms of transient signals are recorded at intervals much shorter than the chromatographic runtime. Different designs of multiplex sample introduction were developed and utilized to analyze lithium-ion battery degradation products under normal or abuse conditions to achieve fast and efficient sample introduction. After comprehensive optimization, measurements were performed on two different GC systems, with either barrier discharge ionization detection (BID) or mass spectrometric detection (MS). Three different injector designs were examined, and modifications in the pertinent hardware components and operational conditions used. The shortest achievable sample introduction time was 50 ms with an interval of 6 s. Relative standard deviations were lower than 4% and 10% for the intra- and inter-day repeatability, respectively. The sample introduction system and column head pressure had to be carefully controlled, as this parameter most critically affects the amount of sample introduced and, thus, detector response. The newly developed sample introduction system was successfully used to monitor volatile degradation products of lithium-ion batteries and demonstrated concentration changes over the course of time of the degradation products (e.g., fluoroethane, acetaldehyde and ethane), as well as for solvents from the battery electrolyte like ethyl carbonate.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 7 Mai 2024

Research Field

  • Battery Materials Development and Characterisation


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