Die Entstehung des Strahlenschutzes in der Medizin und die aktuelle Strahlenschutzgesetzgebung in Österreich

Thomas Geringer

Publikation: AbschlussarbeitMasterarbeit


X-Ray devices have been used for medical purposes right after their discovery in the year 1895 by Conrad Röntgen. Nevertheless X-rays and radioactivity itself, explained by Antoine Becquerel in 1896, have also shown the danger and limits of therapeutic and diagnostic use of ionizing radiation. Radiation induces injuries were found in many physicians, medical stuff and also patients. Radiation protection was developed to protect from extensive exposure. The first part of the following work gives an insight into this development from the time of X-ray discovery till recent radiation protection. Accurate use of radiation protection devices must not be neglected. Only that guarantees approgriate protection results. Radiation protection laws and rules should encourage the user. The development of radiation protection law in its former and recent version will therefore be presented in the second part of this thesis.
Gradverleihende Hochschule
  • University of Vienna
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2005

Research Field

  • Biosensor Technologies

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